Since the founding of the company in 1951, GAW technologies provides a guarantee of technological expertise in the international paper and board industry and in other industrial segments. This is particularly true for the production of pigment, the preparation of coating colour and coating compounds, starch and chemicals, or the cleaning and recycling of process wastewater that contains pigment. Furthermore, GAW offers turnkey solutions for water and wastewater treatment in the pulp & paper manufacturing process.
The portfolio of GAW technologies includes plant construction, products and industrial services, and serves five essential markets in almost every region of the world: paper, chemicals, automation, composites and water and wastewater treatment.
Company Business Sectors

GAW technologies maintain a widespread network of subsidiaries, production facilities, engineering, service and sales offices worldwide.
Adam Glowacki
GAW Paper Coating Systems Inc.5854 N.Northwest HwyChicago, Illinois 60361USATel.: +1 (0)773 594 6900Fax: +1 (0)773 594 6950 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Silvio Romero
GAW Sistemas e Tecnologia de Preparacao de Aditivos para Industria de Papel e Celulose Ltda
Calcada das Violetas, Sala 22, 159, Centro Commercial Alphaville, 06453-003 Barueri, SP, Brazil
Tel.: +55 (11) 4193-1045 Fax: +55 (11) 2668-4004
Cel.: +55 (11)991259195
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John Han
GAW Machinery Technologies (Kunshan) Ltd. Room 708&709 Science & Technology Plaza, Tsinghua Science Park No. 1666 South Weicheng Rd. Kunshan Jiangsu Province, 215347 P.R. CHINA
Tel: +86 (0) 512 551 31 995Fax: +86 (0) 512 551 31 996
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Ranjit Narayanan
GAW PCS India Pvt Ltd
IND - M/s. Regus Business Chennai Centre Pvt Ltd. Level 6 10/11 Dr. Radhakrishnan Salai, Mylapore, Chennai, Tamil Nadu India 600004 India
Phone: +91-9840796309 E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tatjana Averina
190020, Russia
St. Petersburg, Rizhsky Pr.58
Mobile: +7 921 934 9479
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.